Before I officially ORD, I actually draw a concern to all my peers about my future. Most people will say to going to University to pursue a degree. Some will say Experience is more important. Therefore, they choose to work. Then, I ask them again. What kind of job you are looking for? Have you sent out your resume? "Don't have" is the common answer that I heard.
But for me, I am so kiasu! One month before ORD, I had send out to various companies, mainly IT, HR, Financial industry. None of them replied expect Financial companies.
"That is not what I want! Insurance!? No way!" But in the end, I ended up in Financial industry.
I started off with interviews in other Financial Companies. It was to had a experience of a job interview. And, there was a day I came back home from interview and I saw my financial adviser. We had a chat and so randomly I told her, "Why not I join you!". It not out of desperate or I really like job. I feel that since there are so many financial interview that I go to, why not I work with someone that I know of. This is how I started.
I went to meet my boss, It was a different encounter. Normally boss for interview will ask interviewee to tell them more about themselves. But my this boss, ask me more about what I needs and how I can use this job to fulfill what I wants. Well, someone told me that this is a tactic used by Financial company. For me, it does make sense.
After meeting my boss, for the next 2 to 3 days, I have being following him. He is someone who is good in leverage on resources. Went to his other businesses and see how he train others. Contributing back to society and educating others is something that I make me look up to him!
In Financial industry, a financial adviser is very important! Educating the clients, helping them to manage their funds, and also providing a good services is what I believe we need to do! But not all advisers are like this! This is the saddest part! It will cause harm to others who they trust you to manage their finance. And this is the reason why I do not choose to further pursue my interest of being a MOE teacher. As this show that the impact that will act on for others.
For my boss, he is also care about not his clients, he concern his team clients. He enforce and emphasize to all his Financial advisers that we need to play our part to act on clients money. And also think about welfare and customer services that our team provide.
With these learning and the nature of job, I believe I had make up my choice to walk down this path of life!