Monday, 4 April 2011

It will be just the beginning!

I was looking at my previous reflection that I had in my phone and laptop, I decide to set up this living room. This name was given by my coach, Wei De long ago. And I decided to use it is because Living room is a place where I entertain my guest, do my reflection, spend my time doing my stuff especially talking about life, sharing about experiences. Therefore, I would like to open this blog to everyone, anyone to be part of my life and walk together with me!

This might seem silly. I do not like to hide anything. I would like to share what ever good or bad, real or fake, agree or disagree, happy or sad. Keeping something within self will basically fill up the water that i have to overflow but still some water will still remain inside.

I believe I had gain numorous numerous experiences in my life. Hence, I would like to pen down my thoughts and feeling in my living room. And hope my audience can feel free to share their thoughts and feeling too in this place - Living Room!

How often will I commit? I am not sure! I will take this place as a place where I need to bang the wall, I will be here to bang on it! Whether will I feel pain, that is how hard I bang, how deep my thoughts was shared. But still, I will try to make things happen!

Currently, I was exposed to various information around me! Such as newspapers, YouTube, Blogs, Facebook, Magazine, words of mouth etc. In the past I don't even bother look at it. Living my life just what come to me! That is not the best way. My general knowledge will just only be what I had experienced. Hence, I feel that I should find out more things more than what is happening to me. In fact, I need to know what is happening around me and best to the world.

So, with this Blog, I can try to draw out topics that I might not sure but I put it in my own perspective and share with others. Then people out there can help to educate me to give me a clear understanding.
Alright! This is the start of the living room! More to come!

Welcome to my Living Room!

Lim Zhi Wang

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